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Commands and permissions

Overview about all commands and permissions


[required argument] (optional argument)

Player Commands

/villagedefense arenasvillagedefense.arenasOverview over all arenas in one GUI. Select one to join
/villagedefense join [maxplayers/arenaID]villagedefense.join.%arenaID% or villagedefense.join.* for (all arenas)Joins specified arena by replacing arenaID with your arena name

maxplayers join arena with most players
villagedefense.fullgamesPermission to join full arenas and kick other players
/villagedefense randomjoinvillagedefense.join.* to access all arenasJoins a random not started arena
/villagedefense top [statistic]Shows top 10 users from requested statistic
/villagedefense stats (online player name)Shows your stats or from the requested player
/villagedefense leaveQuits current game. Teleports to end location or if bungee enabled to Lobbyserver you configured You can disable game quit in [email protected]
/villagedefense selectkitvillagedefense.command.selectkitChange kit while being in game

Admin commands


You can use villagedefense.admin.* permission to give all admin commands permission

CommandPermissionDescriptionValid excecutors
villagedefense.updatenotifyNotifies about plugin update on join
villagedefense.command.overrideAllows to use every command while being in-game
villagedefense.admin.sign.create villagedefense.admin.sign.breakYou can create or break signs with those permissions
/villagedefenseadmin setup (create/edit) (arenaID)villagedefense.admin.setupCreate and edit arenasPlayer
/villagedefenseadmin listvillagedefense.admin.listPrints list of available arenasPlayer/Console
/villagedefenseadmin delete [arena]villagedefense.admin.deleteDeletes specified arenaPlayer
/villagedefenseadmin forcestartvillagedefense.admin.forcestartForce starts game you're inPlayer
/villagedefenseadmin reloadvillagedefense.admin.reloadReloads all game instances they will be stopped. Usage highly discouraged!Player/Console
/villagedefenseadmin stopvillagedefense.admin.stopgameStops game you're playingPlayer
/villagedefenseadmin statistic [adjust/set] [statistic] [amount] (player)villagedefense.admin.statisticChange statistics for yourself or target playerPlayer/Console
/villagedefenseadmin leaderboard [add/list/remove] [statistic] [amount]villagedefense.admin.leaderboard.manageManage Leaderboard-HologramsPlayer
/villagedefenseadmin placeholders (external)villagedefense.admin.placeholdersShows list with all loaded placeholdersPlayer
/villagedefenseadmin spychatvillagedefense.admin.spychatToggles all arenas chat visibility (multi-arena feature only)Player
/villagedefenseadmin tp [arena/worldName] [location type]villagedefense.admin.teleportTeleports to specified arena location Location types: START, END, LOBBYPlayer
/villagedefenseadmin respawn (player)villagedefense.admin.respawn villagedefense.admin.respawn.othersRespawn you/specified player in your arenaPlayer
/villagedefenseadmin clear [mobtype]villagedefense.admin.clearClears specified mobs in your gamePlayer
/villagedefenseadmin addorbs [amount] (player)villagedefense.admin.addorbs villagedefense.admin.addorbs.othersAdds orbs (game currency) to you/specified playerPlayer/Console when player argument is specified
/villagedefenseadmin setwave [number]villagedefense.admin.setwaveSets wave of gamePlayer
/villagedefenseadmin setprice [amount]villagedefense.admin.setpriceSets price of holding item (use this for shop otherwise item won't work)Player

Kit permissions

Every kit has its own permission node to access it. Even if it's level kit, you can still unlock it getting its permission.


  • Archer kit permission - villagedefense.kit.archer
  • Tornado kit permission - villagedefense.kit.tornado

Info! Locked kits also unlocks with "villagedefense.kits.locked" permissions and leveled kits are unlocked too when certain level is reached.

Custom permissions

Custom permissions are used for giving your players more boosts in game.


Using dots . in custom permissions will not work and will break permission, don't use them!

Custom permissions can be found in permissions.yml:

Example for EXP Boost

# Increase exp by 10 percent
exp-boost-10: 10
exp-boost-50: 50
# Increase exp by 300 percent
admin-boost: 300

You will need to add the permission villagedefense.exp-boost-10 for the player to get 10 percent increase!


Permissions can be combined! Giving player permission villagedefense.exp-boost-10 and villagedefense.exp-boost-50 will receive 60% more orbs on the pickup!

Why do I have as OP not the permission?

OPs and players with * permission are not allowed to have permissions from permission.yml as it would result in bad game experience as you would get for example unlimited exp. This got implemented by feedback of our users!

Be aware of low percent values

Remember that 10% more exp are actually nothing because it's e.g. 10 exp + (1) only 10% of this value more so you won't see any significant increase, use higher values too see the difference if you don't trust this ;)